Revitalize Randall

For almost 130 years, Randall Library has been a center of community life in Stow. Unfortunately, for far too long the basic maintenance of the library has been overlooked, which has led to a wide variety of structural and safety issues. We envision a Revitalized Randall Library which is not only beautiful, but also one which utilizes every inch of space to best serve Stow, and to meet the demands of the 21st century. 

Members of the Revitilize Randall Committee

Dana Green, Lisa Lavina - Co-chairs

Tina McAndrew - Library Director

Emily Lobono

Kathleen Pavelchek

Maura Sieller

Jackie Spataro

Rebecca Viola

Join us!

Contact Us

Revitalize Randall is a subgroup of the Randall Library Friends, using the Friends’ 501(c)3 status for fundraising. The mission of the Revitalize Randall Project is to preserve and protect Stow’s most iconic landmark while enhancing it for future generations.